Today, I'm sharing some excerpts from Ryan's pre-school portfolio for his last term in N2.

This is the summary:
Ryan is a curious learner, challenging his own understandings as he researches and investigates new ideas. He is able to make connections with his prior knowledge and now verbally shares his ideas as well. During our inquiry "There are many ways we express ourselves" Ryan developed a strong awareness that he can communicate his ideas and theories, using graphic representation to support his intentions. As he explored different line formation through symbolic languages Ryan also developed his repertoire of different languages and forms of representations. He continues to revisit the light space and is fascinated by the different qualities of light. During our inquiry "The possibilities of different types of light", Ryan was engaged in an independent exploration and observed two of his peers also engaging in a similar representation of rainbows. He was able to sustain his concentration on his own representation and also support and question his friends, demonstrating flexible thinking and also considering new possibilities as he listened to their ideas.
Ryan has a good knowledge of familiar aspects of written language, using spelling patterns and high frequency words in his independent writing. He is able to use his knowledge of visual memory cues when reading story books. With encouragement, he is beginning to make connections with personal experiences and story book characters.
Ryan also has a good awareness of number, using numerals during writing experiences to sequence ideas. He is able to identify numerals and is fascinated by patterns with numbers, using a 100 square grid to explore relationships with numerals. He is a methodical thinker, using his prior knowledge to support his new understandings and is able to respond to questions, with increasing confidence. During our inquiry "People play to explore and learn" Ryan worked with a group of friends investigating light spectrums, he revisited his thinking over a period of several days and used writing as a tool for communication to share his ideas. With encouragement Ryan is beginning to share his thinking during morning meetings, using his own drawings or a prop to support his sharing.
This is the summary by his Mandarin teacher:
Ryan enjoys listening to stories, reading picture books and watching performances with increasing attention, eg. singing "The Rabbit" song. He displays increasing interest to use language to interact with teachers and peers in a familiar environment in learning Mandarin. Ryan also demonstrates keen interest in learning new Mandarin vocabulary and is able to name simple basic strokes. For Ryan's reading progress in Mandarin, he is able to recognize simple characters as well as the strokes to form a Chinese character. He is also able to compare and follow the strokes to form the Chinese numerical characters. Ryan explores core cultural festivals of Chinese: Spring festivals and other related festivals.
Here are a few of the reports on selected experiences:

As Lewis began to cut out smaller pieces of paper, Ryan observed Lewis's action and began to cut a shape from his paper. He returned to the light spectrum several times to check and see if he was following the curved line he created with his paper. Ryan used his prior knowledge of rainbow forms to support his intention, connecting the curved form with the light spectrum, he worked purposefully and quietly as he executed his idea.
Ryan's representation demonstrated a strong understanding of his own intention as he explored the possibilities with white paper. It is interesting to see how each child has a unique perspective and Ryan observed Lewis's idea of using his scissors and then used it to support his own intention. Ryan demonstrated a good awareness of scientific understandings, using scientific vocabulary to explain his observations, connecting with his prior knowledge. He also used mathematical concepts associated with shapes, using language such as "curve" and "over" to describe the shape of the rainbow.
Another one:

Harrison and Ryan engaged in a representational experience at the light table, using the small pieces of glass mosaic they began to sort the pieces into different colours, using a spectrum of red/pink, orange/yellow, blue/green, black/white as they organized the pieces into different pots. Once they had finished Harrison began to build a line, using the blue coloured pieces. Ryan observed Harrison and began to add mosaic pieces to his line. "Are you helping me?" Harrison asked as he began to place each piece. "Yes! I can help you making the line", Ryan replied. "Yes let's do it together! We are making a rainbow spiral!" Harrison exclaimed. "Oh a rainbow spiral, I know that!" Ryan replied.
The boys worked purposefully, sustaining their interest for over 20 minutes until all of the pieces had been used. "See it's empty! The rainbow spiral is ready!" Harrison shared. "Yes, the rainbow spiral is sooooooo beautiful!" Ryan responded. Miss Lucy then invited the boys to record a sign for their work so they could share their ideas with their friends.
Ryan and Harrison worked comfortably together as they built a relationship with a new peer, both boys sustained their attention for a long period of time, working alongside each other as they took turns to place the glass pieces. They used verbal communication to share ideas as they observed each other's actions, collaborating on a shared idea towards a representation. Ryan used drawing as a tool to support his intention, drawing the shape or "design" of the rainbow spiral. They both used writing as a visual form of sharing a message, writing their names to communicate to others their work.
Another experience:
Ryan continued to explore with recycled toilet rolls by cutting them into halves. He observed that his "cut-out circles" are actually semi-circles which resembles a rainbow - "it looks like a rainbow". When he placed these semi-circles on the mirror table, he discovered "it is a circle again!" Ryan then shared that he would like to build on his idea the next day so Miss Faith invited him to write his name next to his rainbow shapes project. Ryan readily agreed and wrote his name down independently.
Ryan displayed a clear mathematical conceptual understanding of circles and its properties. He associated circles and semi-circles to the rainbows he had created independently. Ryan identified the relationship between these shapes and the rainbow and he understood that 2D and 3D shapes have characteristics that can be described and compared. Even as Ryan went on to explore the semi-circle shape with the recycled toilet paper rolls (3D), he identified the reflection of it and connected it to a full circle.
That one was nice to know because Ryan and I had been working with 2D and 3D shapes at home at the time, using Montessori materials. 

I like the next two experiences! Made me smile!

Ryan engaged in a graphic representation to explore his ideas of how rainbows are made, he drew a large circle, "This is the egg" he commented. "Do you think rainbows are born in an egg?" Miss Lucy asked Ryan. "Yes, they grow in an egg like a born then they come out and make a rainbow shape." He drew a curved rainbow shape with a bird inside, "See this is the bird in an egg" he commented, using verbal language to share his intentions.
The following day we invited Ryan to record a label for his drawing, connecting visual and written forms of communications. "What would you like to share about your drawing?" "The bird is growing in an egg and rainbows also grow in an egg" Ryan responded. Using his knowledge of letter-sound correspondence and sight vocabulary Ryan then confidently recorded the sentence "rainbow grow egg like a bird. The rainbow colors come from the egg."
Ryan confidently engaged in writing for a purpose, using familiar aspects of written language with confidence and accuracy, using spelling patterns and high frequency words. He identified a mis-spelling with the word "from", recording it as "form". He could proof read his own own writing and make corrections, demonstrating a strong awareness of the purpose of writing.

During one of our morning meetings, we discussed and shared ideas about how we think rainbows are made. Ryan participated actively in the discussion and shared his idea with the group. "I think the rainbow is from an egg. It cracks open and the rainbow comes out like this (fuzzy lines). Then, it will change into the rainbow shape on the egg. Then it goes back to the egg."
Ryan represented his ideas through drawing and was observed to be independently engaged in his thoughts and representations. He created a "life cycle of a rainbow" through his pictorial representation and was clear in the steps of how a rainbow is formed.
Ryan developed his own theory and created a "life cycle" of a rainbow. He communicated his ideas and provided explanations using his own scientific experience about how a rainbow is created. He also demonstrated the use of scientific vocabulary to explain his observations and experiences, using words like, "cracks open" and "change into rainbow shape". Ryan displayed confidence in sharing his personal theory in a large group setting and did not waver when his friends suggested different ideas to how a rainbow is created. He remained focused as he depicted his understanding and personal theory down pictorially.
There are a couple more experiences in the portfolio, which I won't share here. This has turned out to be a very long post! Anyway, just to end off - looks like Ryan is doing really well in school, enjoying himself, interacting well, and learning so much. 


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