Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Life lately

Life has been nice and predictable lately. We made a conscious decision not to do any traveling as a family until December. Richard travels every week for work now so we always feel the temptation to tag along. Staying put has been very very nice, although I think the kids are almost ready for a travel top-up, so when December rolls around, we will be off again. Nowhere special, just off to see their cousins.

Ryan has been going for castings, as usual. Hopefully we can secure one more role to finish off the year, although I must say that it has been a great year, modelling-wise.

Ryan met Geronimo Stilton and Thea Stilton a few weeks ago at the new Kinokuniya store in Ngee Ann City. We bought a book so that he could get a photo taken and an autograph (it was stamped on). He chose "The Journey Through Time" (hardcover, special edition) and he's been reading a few pages every night before bed. I see him grinning all the time while buried in the book, so he must be enjoying it.

Ryan and I still enjoy our outdoor dates. Now that I have more time to spend with him, I try to spend more of that time outdoors.

Somehow, even though we live in tropical Singapore without four seasons, the weather seems so challenging, especially around this time of the year. If it's not the haze, it's the rain or the humidity. We just make the most of it and try to get outdoors as much as reasonably and safely permissible, even if it means just roaming around our carpark or donning raincoats and umbrellas to battle the drizzle in the pool.

We tried a new eatery last weekend. Well, new to us at least. This was BFF (battered fluffy flaps) on East Coast Road. Ryan was feeling either very happy or very hungry because he, Mr Picky, actually ate some of the pancake. Not all of it, just some, but if you know Ryan, you'd know that that's already significant.

Babydoll has much fewer food issues than her brother, as you can imagine from this photo of her with the gigantic tissue prata doused in strawberry sauce. Actually, although she requested it, she only ate a little bit of it before choosing to devour her brother's plain tissue prata.

Very often, we go for dinner at Frankel where there is a veterinary clinic with two gigantic dog figurines in the window. Babydoll always, always goes to visit them, standing outside looking in. Last weekend, she told me that she wanted to go inside to talk to them. And so she did. As you can see, she was absolutely thrilled to be able to touch the dogs (and ride them). She exclaimed that the dog was "So cute!" The receptionist kept smiling as she watched babydoll going on and on.

We attended a birthday party of one of Ryan's classmates last weekend. We usually try to find something around the house to wrap the birthday present. Sometimes I just put it in a nice bag with a ribbon. This time we used some art block paper that babydoll had used. Ryan stuck stickers on it for the birthday greeting.

There was a girl doing face painting at the party and when we got there, there was a queue of little girls all asking for the same thing - a rainbow on their arm. After the first four or five, even the painter tried to persuade them to have something else, but nope, they all wanted rainbows. Then, it was babydoll's turn and she asked for a lion. Heh heh, that's my girl.

That's all. I think we're quite up-to-date now!

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