Saturday, September 3, 2011

Notes on Shichida - Part 8: Senses Play in Class ("Which one?" games)

In this post, I will share a little about how we play Senses Play / ESP games in Shichida class. I will go through the "Which one?" games.

The "Which one?" games are only one part of Senses Play. I will touch on the rest of Senses Play in another post. There are also some preparatory exercises that we do at the start of Senses Play - these are to relax the mind, to switch to alpha wave frequency, and to focus the child's mind - I will also deal with that separately.

Ok, so as I mentioned in Part 7, the "Which one?" games in class are limited - we can't for example ask what the next day's weather is going to be or what time is daddy going to be home. Also, the exercise has to be quick because there can be up to 6 children in the class and each child has to give his answer before the answer is revealed.

So what we do in class, most of the time, is to use images on paper to create the scene. I'll show you some of our homemade ones, which are similar to the ones we have in class.

In this first example, I show Ryan the first two pictures - the picture of the boy without the hat and the picture of the three hats. I ask him, "Which hat will the boy wear?"

After Ryan makes his choice, I will show him the answer. Whether he gets it right or wrong, he will receive lots and lots of praise for his effort.

For children in the 2-3 years class, sometimes we give two choices, sometimes we give three. Sometimes four, but rarely. So in the next example, I show Ryan the picture of the cave and the picture of the fish and the crab. I ask, "Which one is hiding in the cave?"

After Ryan makes his choice, I reveal the answer and, whatever his choice was, I give him lots of praise for his effort.

Sometimes it may be hard for the child to understand what you are referring to, so we give a little direction - in this example, the relevant part is shown but blacked out. The question would be, "Who is driving the bus?" and you can point to the blacked out part.

Here's the answer! Remember - lots and lots of praise for effort!

Here's another example of giving some direction. The question here is, "What is hiding in the sea?". The part of the head showing above the surface of the water helps the child to understand what you are getting at.

It's an octopus! Lots of praise for effort please!

This one is for precognition (like the first example) - which lily pad will the frog land on?

The right one! Praise, praise, praise!

Hope you get the idea. Remember that you should practise everyday at home with your child and your child should be in a happy and relaxed frame of mind. You can play games like the ones I mentioned in Part 7 or you can make paper scenes like the ones in this post. If you use paper scenes, try not to repeat them because if you do, then it becomes a memory game rather than a game to strengthen the right brain's senses. Keep the images clear and simple - don't make your child pick out some obscure object in the corner of a picture filled with details.

Happy playing!

[This post also appears in our Learning at Home section.]

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