Saturday, June 25, 2011

Trip to USA - Off to Philly!

After our wonderful day at Sesame Place, we planned to spend the next day at the Please Touch Museum in Philadelphia. We woke up in the wee hours of the morning, having succumbed to happy exhaustion the evening before and while we waited for a decent hour to venture out, we caught up on the news and Ryan played with his quiet book.

At 6 am, it was breakfast at Burger King again. Two new travelling companions joined us.

Ryan picked them up at one of the shops in Sesame Place and, although I asked him to pick one, he wouldn't let go of both. Back at home now, they sleep together with us in our king-sized bed and Ryan tucks them in at night.

When we finished our meal and stepped outside, we met these ladies and gentlemen crossing the street with their little ones. What a treat!

The route to the Please Touch Museum seemed straightforward so we decided to rent a car and drive there. We made some calls from our hotel and the rental company came to pick us up. We were offered the classic American car - a Chevrolet!

It was huge inside - three of us could sit comfortably abreast in front!

If that photo looked a little strange to you in Singapore, that's because the driver is on the left! We got an automatic gear shift so it wasn't a problem but it was a little tricky when we got to the turns. Fortunately, we were on the straight interstate expressway (I-95) for most of the drive. We got to Philadelphia (and back) safe and sound.

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