Friday, June 24, 2011

Happy birthday Eric Carle!

Tomorrow is Eric Carle's 82nd birthday - Happy Birthday Sir!

All parents know this man - the person who gave us so many wonderful stories to enjoy with our little ones. The most well-known of them all is of course The Very Hungry Caterpillar. At the time I reviewed it on this blog back in July 2010, Ryan wasn't overjoyed about the book. Recently he has been showing quite bit of interest in it and he points out various things in the illustrations. Apart from this book, we do enjoy many of Eric Carle's other books, including Mister Seahorse and Brown Bear Brown Bear What do You See?

In honour of Eric Carle's birthday, we read The Very Hungry Caterpillar and after that, Ryan constructed The Very Hungry Caterpillar from coloured paper.

I cut the shapes out and Richard smeared glue on the pieces for Ryan to stick onto a piece of white drawing paper.

Ryan wasn't very satisfied with the lack of creativity that the activity offered, so we offered him some stickers to paste as he liked. This is the end result. Not too bad eh?

Ryan still wasn't satisfied though. He took the leftover pieces and gave us his own interpretation of The Very Hungry Caterpillar.

Hmm, very abstract and definitely much more creative. I think I like this one better.

I'm playing along at Read.Explore.Learn!

Shibley Smiles

[This post also appears in our Learning at Home section.]


  1. I would love for you to link in to my weekly children's book exploring meme called Read.Explore.Learn.

    This is soo cute!

  2. JDaniel4's Mom - thanks for stopping by! Would love to link up!

  3. Very Cool Caterpillar!

    The last two years we have celebrated Eric Carle’s Birthday.
    This year we made a book we called Have You Seen My Hat?:
    Last year we made pancakes after reading Pancakes, Pancakes:
