Monday, April 18, 2011

Hello again (and again)

To all of you lovelies who get our blog feed, my apologies for the repeat postings this morning. After I posted last night, I had a few more thoughts which I wanted to include, so I did a heavy edit this morning on last night's post, which became so unwieldy that I split it in two. Anyway, hope you enjoy reading (or re-reading) both posts!

Also, lately I have been receiving a lot more emails from you lovelies - can I just say that I LOVE getting your emails, thank you! They always put a happy smile on my face! Do feel free to ask me about anything under the sun, I'll answer you as best I can!

Specifically, I am thinking of sharing a little bit more about our Shichida home practice - would you like that? I know many parents try to research the Shichida Method online and there really isn't a lot of stuff around. Ryan has been on the Shichida Method since he was about 8 months old and we are very happy with it, so I'd be happy to share our experience with anyone who is interested in the method. I would also be happy to answer any specific questions about the method or about what we do at home - leave me a comment (anonymous if you prefer) or send me an email at pinkiepirate(at)!



  1. Hey do share here, I'm kinda homeschooling the kids this year and i"m running out of stuff to teach!

  2. hi, chanced upon your blog when googling for schida methods. do you mind sharing with me how you practice this teaching method at home? our gal is 13 months now and she shows a great appetite for learning, and i'm looking for methods to help her.
