Saturday, February 19, 2011

Taking it easy

On Friday evening, I joined a group of mummies for dinner at Hanabi. With the end of Chinese New Year, it was time for some non-Chinese food! There were 13 of us, and we ate and chatted non-stop. We discuss the same topics everytime we meet up: children, husbands and sex (making more babies) - hahaha! Well, I guess parenthood brings so many unique experiences, no matter if you have one child or five, so there's always something "new" to talk about.

On Saturday, we brought Ryan for PlayClub. They had Parents' Chats this week. This is our third Parents' Chats and we really didn't have anything to ask. As usual, the class photo was taken after the chats, so that was the only thing we were interested in!

Class photo - we are standing in the middle
(my mum is standing next to me, wearing red)
Something different this session - I got my mum to accompany Ryan in class! I think she was quite curious as to what the class was about so I suggested that she attend the class with Ryan. She seemed quite keen so Richard and I went to have some tea nearby and left her to it. After the class, Richard and I went to pick them up and my mum was quite happy with her experience, although Safina said that Ryan bullied my mum during class! Apparently, Ryan was dancing up and down the classroom the whole time! My mum just let him dance and dance and dance, I think she was amazed because she'd never seen Ryan so hyper before!

Anyway, it was a good experience for Richard and me too - we got to take some time off and have a little couple time.

Back home in the evening, we brought out the sprinkle mat. We haven't had it out for a long time - we lent it to a friend for her son's birthday party and when we got it back, the rainy season was upon us. Now that sunny days are here again, we're going to pack on that Vitamin D! 

Dinner was at Crystal Jade Kitchen in Plaza Singapura and we did a little shopping after that (Spotlight, Daiso and Carrefour). Ryan was yawning away at the supermarket, but the sweetie didn't make a fuss at all. He fell asleep on the way home (he hadn't had a nap the whole day) and I managed to put him down in bed quite smoothly when we arrived home, he was so tired! I think he had a good day though!


  1. Margaret, check out the video of the last time Ryan was in it -

  2. Leona, Where did u get the mat! So fun!
