Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Our Valentine's Day

We turned down some social invitations for Monday night and our friends were surprised to hear that our reason was because we celebrate Valentine's Day. 

Of course, Ryan is with us but that does not lessen the celebration, in fact we would not have it any other way. Having said that, we don't do anything big - we just have dinner together after work. Some years we cooked at home, some years we go out somewhere. There was one year we didn't manage to have our cozy dinner - that was the year that Valentine's Day coincided with Chinese New Year.

This year, we had dinner at timbré (the branch where Fat Frog once was). The owners are actually clients of Richard's firm. I suppose, if we were younger, we might have stayed on for the live music, but we were pretty tired from work actually. Nevertheless, we enjoyed ourselves. The ambience was casual and comfortable and the crabmeat aglio olio and the thin pizza was delicious. The fish and chips - the fish was not so great, but Ryan enjoyed the chips. 

Richard tucking into the spaghetti, Ryan in the background giving his pasta a good chew.

For as long as we have been together, including during our dating years, Richard has bought me flowers every Valentine's Day. If it's a working day, like this year, they are delivered to my office.

Richard and I get each other presents as well and this is one of my presents from Richard this year - it's a big terrarium!

It was delivered on Saturday. Apparently, Richard secretly went down to the shop a few weeks ago and the shopkeeper helped him to select the plants for the terrarium. He told me that there was a cactus called "Leona" which he wanted to include but the shopkeeper said cacti don't do well in terrariums, so that idea was scrapped.

Everytime I look at it, I notice something new. Maybe one day, a little fairy will appear?

Love you hubby! Happy Valentine's Day!

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