Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Haircut

I know, I know.  As much as I hope that Ryan's other features and traits will be given due notice, Ryan's hair is still so significant that even I dedicate entire posts to it.

So, yes, as you can see from the recent posts, Ryan got a haircut. We did it on the Sunday before Chinese New Year (30 Jan) at Little Red Dot at Forum the Shopping Mall. This is where Ryan usually gets his fringe trimmed when it grows past his eyes.

I have heard some traumatic stories of children getting their hair cut. What works for us is having Ryan in our laps (this time it was Richard's lap) instead of letting him sit by himself. We have always done it this way, right from his very first visit to the salon, and we find this to be the best way to keep him stress-free. This doesn't mean that he keeps still - sometimes he stands up in our laps, sometimes he turns around and faces backwards. We don't hold him down or restrict his movement, we're just there for reassurance. We also do without the smock provided by the salon, because Ryan doesn't like having it on him. This time, as he was getting more than a trim, we took off his shirt as well.

It was done in under 5 minutes, no fuss, no stress.

And yes, all the curls were still there.

I do like his new look but it took me some time to get used to it, all the while wondering if we'd done the right thing.

That evening, we went for dinner at Robert Timms at Wheelock Place. The manager looked at Ryan and said to him, "Hello boy! Such beautiful eyes!"

I wanted to tell him, "Sir, you just made my day."

Well, it's been nearly four weeks since then and his hair is growing back fast and the curls are as strong as ever. We've had lots of feedback on The Haircut - basically there have been mixed reactions. Some people think he looks even more girly and yes, some people still refer to him as "little girl" (no matter what he's wearing). Somebody even said he looks like Betty Boop! I guess we just have to grin and bear it.

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