Sunday, January 9, 2011

A mixed weekend

I was struck with a fever, cough and runny nose on Friday. I started my drive home from work feeling chills and by the time I got home, I had a raging fever. I spent most of the weekend in bed. It was quite unusual actually, it was the first time in a long time that I've fallen sick independently of Richard and Ryan. All those late nights must have sent my immunity levels spiralling downwards.

While I was out of action, Richard rose to the occasion, which was no mean feat. Ryan's classes started up again this weekend after the Christmas/New Year break and Richard took care of all that. He was amazing and I can't thank him enough.

We kept Ryan in the same Playclub class to maintain consistency. Unfortunately, Richard said that only one (Safina) of the four teachers from the last few terms remain and almost all of the students are new. Richard said that Ryan had fun though and, at the end of class, his Mandarin teacher from last term came over to his class to look for him to give him a hug. Isn't that sweet?

When Ryan got back from JG Bilingual Playclub, he joined me in bed and slept (from 5 pm) till half-past ten! Unfortunately, I didn't get a proper rest, because Ryan wants to nurse all the time when he is in bed. So, when Ryan woke up Richard decided to take him out for supper at McDonald's (Kallang) to let him expend some energy at its indoor playground while I got into a deep sleep. How wonderful! They had fun too - they got home about 2 am! I was surprised when Richard told me that there were quite a few children there at that hour. Ryan was squealing and shrieking away with them.

I think Richard only got to bed at about 4 am so swimming class was a no-go on Sunday morning. I made lunch for us - roasted rosemary chicken thighs and veggies - with some leftover for dinner. After lunch, Richard brought Ryan for Shichida. I was feeling better in the afternoon so I asked Richard to drive over to Hort Park after Shichida and I took a cab there. When I arrived, this is what greeted me - Ryan fast asleep in Richard's arms.
The room we booked for Ryan's party does seem a little small, so we will try to book a bigger one tomorrow. Ryan stayed asleep the whole time we were at Hort Park and Richard carried him throughout. I guess he was pooped from Shichida. Richard said that Ryan really enjoyed his Shichida class today, he actually clapped his hands after each activity, and in between activities, he was yabbering at sensei to hurry up with the next activity! Hahaha!

For his term report last term, his sensei wrote:

Ryan has an awesome and terrific concentration span. He could sit still throughout the lesson and able to do his activities well. Wonderful job!

I think his sensei is quite grateful for Ryan because, according to Richard, all the other students are running about in class, not really paying attention, while Ryan is sitting down throughout and even clapping his hands in appreciation, hahaha! Well done, son!

Ryan woke up as we were leaving Hort Park so we made a detour to East Coast Park for some food and an evening stroll by the beach. Ryan had a great time there!

So, although my weekend wasn't that great, I think Ryan's weekend was pretty awesome thanks to Richard!


  1. Awww! I love all the shots of daddy and son, esp the one on his back! Very nice very nice!

  2. Somehow I thought of the emperor penguins, how they take turns caring for the young 'un! Love how Ryan has an unconventional and enriching upbringing, none of that be in bed by 8 stuff!
