Monday, January 24, 2011

Chillout Sunday

We spent Sunday just chilling out. Ryan had his swimming class in the morning and his Shichida class in the afternoon. In between, we brought Richard's dad and sister shopping at Raffles City shopping centre, before dropping them off at the airport for their flight home.

At Raffles City, we picked up some clothes for Ryan for Chinese New Year. Ryan wasn't too interested in the shopping - he was more keen on the window display! He climbed into the window display and investigated all the decorations there! The shoppers passing by outside were quite amused to see a "live" mannequin!
Posing as part of the window display at Gingersnaps
After Shichida class, we popped into Carrefour to pick up some sundries. Here's Ryan doing his part, helping to carry our baguette.

Yes he's wearing his favourite Hi-5 jacket again!
Quality check!
Up till fairly recently, we thought that Ryan didn't like bread because he wasn't keen on the usual sandwich bread. On Christmas eve, we had dinner at Sarah's place and she served warm baguette bread with mushroom soup. Ryan took a piece of that bread and literally hung onto it the whole night, slowly munching away at it. Since then, we've offered him crunchy bread on other occasions and he's been quite receptive. So we realised that he will take bread, but only if it is crunchy! In general, Ryan is fairly particular about the texture of his food and he does seem to prefer food that is hard and crunchy instead of mushy and soft.

In the evening, we went for a walk along the park connector near our home. After weeks of rain, it was lovely to get out in the evening air and walk about. Took the opportunity to point out different types of plants and flowers to Ryan and he saw different types of dogs, cats and birds. Explained all the different activities the people were doing - jogging, cycling, rollerblading. He even got to practise his alphabet by checking out the signs along the walk. Good stuff.

Dinner was another homecooked meal, just a simple soup (ABC soup) and a minced pork omelette with rice. The rest of the night was spent mainly on Ryan's play and learning activities, before we turned in for the night.

It was a wonderfully relaxing and fulfilling Sunday.

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