Sunday, January 2, 2011

Are we ready for 2011 yet?

Today, like yesterday, was spent recuperating from the past few weeks of non-stop action. After the last two months of renovations, Tiger's bout with kidney infection, packing, the Big Move, the unpacking, the various charity initiatives, Christmas celebrations, New Year's celebrations, not to mention the usual stuff at work and at home, Richard and I are just puffed. I think we've been tired for a while, we were running on adrenaline and sheer willpower over the last few weeks. Now that everything is done and dusted, we are feeling every bit of the tiredness as the energy drains away.

Despite the tiredness I feel right now, I'm looking forward to starting the new year. In many ways, 2010 was the close of a chapter and I'm itching to see what the next chapter holds. I've also got a few things that I want to put in motion this year and I'm raring to get going.

Before that, I still have today - one last day of relaxing to enjoy. We woke up at noon again today, courtesy of another late night. We went to Liang Court for a simple lunch at the food court, then we popped in at Royce Kid's Gym for an hour. We had to literally tear Ryan away when the hour was up, he was having so much fun.

The rest of the day was spent at home, apart from having a late dinner at Hong Kong Tea House in Katong. 

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