Monday, December 27, 2010

Hope your Christmas was peaceful

Our Christmas Day was delightfully peaceful. After the past few weeks of rushing about buying furniture and house-stuff, the Big Move, all the renovation work, the charity collections and drop-offs, plus Christmas shopping, we were only too glad to have a quiet Christmas Day.

We started the day in church. Richard found a church that is within walking distance to our new home - Christ Methodist Church - so we walked over for their Christmas service, which was held at St Patrick's school hall. We brought Ryan with us and sat with the main congregation (there didn't seem to be a cry-room/area). He was quite interested in what was going on and even clapped his hands along to the songs.

After lunch at Siglap, we lazed about at home and finally got around to snapping our Christmas family photo.

Dinner was a yummy seafood spread at Red House at East Coast Seafood Centre. After that, we thought of going over to Tanglin Mall for the snow but it threatened to rain so we decided to go home instead, where we lazed about some more.

The next morning, we went to some plant nurseries along Bedok South Road to buy some plants for the house. There were also some garden swings for sale and Ryan insisted on trying out each and every one of them, several times. After that, we brought him through the nurseries and showed him the plants and flowers. We spent about two hours there, by which time we were all hot and hungry. Bought some noodles from the famous Beach Road Prawn Noodles shop along East Coast Road and went home to enjoy them.

The plants were delivered in the afternoon and we are quite happy with them, at least for now, while they still look fresh and healthy. We haven't bought all the plants we need yet, we are experimenting with the ones we bought today to see how they fare. We'll give them a week or two, move them around a bit, see how they like the different parts of our home.

The evening was spent at Ee Fann's and Shann's new home (they moved in less than a week ago). Shann prepared a scrumptious dinner - doesn't the roast chicken look mouth-watering?
Ryan was quite happy and contented, which was surprising, because he had less than an hour's sleep the whole day. He was happily tucking into Shann's carbonara pasta, interacting with the other children and humming and cheering along.

After all the Christmas gifts were distributed and some opened, the adults sat around and chatted while the children investigated their presents. Ryan didn't seem interested in opening his gifts so we let him read Toy Story off the iPad, which got everyone going tech-y.

Here he is, showing off to the ladies.

It was a fun get-together and we enjoyed ourselves. We left slightly after 10 pm. We drove over to Chai Chee, where we made our final charity drop-off at someone's home before we headed home. By this time, Ryan had fallen asleep, so that was the end of his day. Monday, he goes to his nanny's for the day, as per usual.

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